Public holidays
Debate with a former President of Slovenia and a former PM of Ireland
Nikolaos Belesis
Dr. Nasrollah Saebi, Kingston University, London
for current ISM and EDA students
Psychology, Economics and Experiments
Olivier Bauduin, psychothérapeute et coach
presentation for ISM and EDA students
presentation for ISM students
presentation for EDA students
La visita all'Istituto italiano di cultura
Kryštof Kulan, abogado; Ángel Solanes, business development manager
Excursion to the Czech National Bank
The mindset and skills that will help you succeed in the age of AI
открытый диспут
Prague Data Ethics Lab & PwC & Omnicrane
Amit Grindvald
This panel discussion is a part of the CEMS V4 Conference and open to all VŠE students.
prof. RNDr. Tomáš Cipra, DrSc.
A Lecture by Eila Kreivi, EIB Chief Sustainable Finance Advisor
By Alena Eichová, inspector at Czech National Bank (CNB), supervision of financial markets
PhDr. Jaroslav Březina
For students from the class 2OP321
By Ing. Václava Kloudová Jiřičková
University of Glasgow
Junior Diplomat Initiative
Greenwich University
for ISM and EDA students
Lund University