Enterprise Data Platform as a Three-Lane Highway Petr Hájek

Začátek: úterý 7. listopadu 2023, 14:30
Konec: úterý 7. listopadu 2023, 16:00
Místo konání: SB 213
Kontaktní osoba: doc. RNDr. Ivana Malá, CSc.
Tagy: #business #data #fis #innovationweek #presentation

Enterprise Data Platform as a Three-Lane Highway


Challenges in modern data management include balancing fast data access for everyone with the assurance of a quality and mutually accepted version of truth, all while navigating the intricate landscape of information security and personal data protection. The reliability of data warehousing is confronted by the flexibility of analytics and the lightning speed of online data integrations.


Registration is open till Monday, November 6.

Enterprise Data Platform as a Three-Lane Highway