Film Marketing and Distribution (On-line) by JUAN CARLOS CEDEÑO, Director Marketing. Warner Bros. Pictures Mexico
Začátek: | čtvrtek 9. listopadu 2023, 15:30 |
Konec: | čtvrtek 9. listopadu 2023, 16:30 |
Kontaktní osoba: | Ing. Petr Král, Ph.D. |
Tagy: | #exchange #fmv #innovationweek |
We invite you to take part in the Online (MS Teams) lecture given by JUAN CARLOS CEDEÑO, Director Marketing. Warner Bros. Pictures Mexico:
- Marketing executive with over 20 years of experiencein the consumer products and entertainment field.
- Proficiency in strategic planning and launch ofentertainment products, with a strong focus on digitalmedia and data.
- Leader in digital transformation.
Flm marketing industry is about strategic skills needed to apply new and emergent models for market and engage audiences in acompetitive, fast changing global entertainment business.
During this lecture you will learn about:
- Basics of cinematographic exhibition and cinema marketing.
- Digital communication channel.