How to Understand Chinese Business Culture - Practical Experience - In English by Dr. Qi Hudečková - Chinese Guest Speaker living and working in the Czech Republic

Start: Monday 6. Nov 2023, 12:30
End: Monday 6. Nov 2023, 15:00
Place: NB C
Contact person: Ing. Jitka Volfová, Ph.D.
Tags: #doktorandi #exchange #fmv #innovationweek

You can look forward to an interactive lecture by Dr. Qi Hudečková, often called as 奇玉老师 Teacher Qiyu,  a Ph.D. in History and Philosophy of Science and Technology in 2012, a visiting scholar at the Needham Institute, Cambridge in 2010-2011.

She is a researcher and practitioner in the field of  Chinese prognostication, focusing on the use of traditional  tool models to simplify and imitate the fate of mankind, the trend of events, and the human-environment relations.

The lecture will focus on Chinese popular beliefs based on Yin-yang and the Five Elements theory: I Ching (hexagrams), Bazi (Four Pillars of Destiny), and Feng Shui in practice. 

In the second part a discussion will follow. Please, register by clicking at the bottom "registrovat se/register" below. The change of programme is reserved.

How to Understand Chinese Business Culture - Practical Experience - In English