Career workshop: How to prepare for a job interview & how to build your CV

Start: Wednesday 29. Mar 2023, 13:00
End: Wednesday 29. Mar 2023, 14:30
Place: RB 205
Contact person: Kariérní centrum VŠE
Tags: #acr #career #cv #innovationweek #job #students

Looking for a job and want employers to notice your CV right away? Is the competition for jobs strong? Do you want to be the one selected for an interview? Do you want to be prepared for everything that may await you at such an interview? Then attend this workshop and start your career off right! Get your dream job!

In cooperation with the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics we have prepared a career workshop on “How to prepare for a job interview & How to build a CV” as part of Innovation Week!

DATE: 29 March 2023, 13:00 – 14:30

Capacity is limited, please register early through the Career Portal or through the university’s registration system.

Career workshop: How to prepare for a job interview & how to build your CV