Efektivní prezetace a storytelling (workshopy) Týden inovací ve výuce
Start: | Monday 31. October 2022, 15:00 |
End: | Monday 31. October 2022, 17:00 |
Place: | NB A, NB B, NB C |
Contact person: | Martina Jiránková |
Tags: | #fmv #innovationweek |
3 paralelní workshopy navazující na přednášku
Václav Strnadel, Azteka: Master Brain (EN)
Make full use of your brain power! In this workshop full of practical exercises, you will find out how our memory really works. How we create memories and why we forget. How to remember and learn anything you want. And here is a little spoiler alert: although our brain is an amazing organ, you will discover it cannot be always trusted…
- What do we remember and why do we forget?
- Creating memories. Even the false ones.
- Sensory, short- and long-term memory in practice
- How to learn anything. I mean, anything.
Denis Zelenin, SAP Business Inteligence Consultant (EN)
Hands-on introduction to the fastest growing industry of data analytics and digital career paths, combined with practical lessons-learned on the most important skill for a digital lead- communication through presentations.
- The importance of data and Digital/Business IT career path
- Presenting and Communicating - Effective communication with Business and Technically oriented audience
Michal Buzek, Chief Data Officer Heureka Group (CZ)
- Data kolem nás
- Jak data efektivně spravovat
- Využití dat v businessu