Global and Macroeconomic Consequences of Brexit Raffaella A. Tenconi, founder of ADA Economics

Start: Monday 2. Mar 2020, 12:45
End: Monday 2. Mar 2020, 14:15
Place: NB B
Contact person: Katedra světové ekonomiky
Tags: #studenti

We are pleased to invite all the students and academics to the lecture of "Global and Macroeconomic Consequences of Brexit" given by Raffaella A. Tenconi.

Raffaella A. Tenconi is the founder of ADA Economics and the head of research. Raffaella has worked for several research houses and investment banks of different sizes and headquartered in different countries: OXERA; Lombard Street Research; Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein Investment Bank; Straumur Investment Bank; WOOD & Company; and Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

ADA Economics (Analyse. Debate. Act. Economics Ltd.) is an independent research company that provides economic and political analysis and forecasts, to support risk management and investment strategy, to financial and non-financial companies.

Global and Macroeconomic Consequences of Brexit