13. března RSSE: Matilde Cappelletti (ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research)Targeted Bidders in Government Tenders
26. března The Modern Playbook for Networking Online: How to Stand Out & Land OpportunitiesMargaux Miller, TEDx speaker
13. března čtvrtek, 12:45-14:15 RSSE: Matilde Cappelletti (ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research) Targeted Bidders in Government Tenders
26. března středa, 16:15-17:00 The Modern Playbook for Networking Online: How to Stand Out & Land Opportunities Margaux Miller, TEDx speaker
6. března čtvrtek, 12:45-14:15 RSSE: Deborah Novakova (Academic skills center, CERGE-EI) Writing and Presenting in Today’s Competitive Academic Environment